
Beauty Hacks Everyone Must Know


When it comes to makeup, it costs a lot of effort to create a gorgeous look that will last all day long. In fact, no matter if you use high-end makeup or drugstore one, your concealer will still crease, and your foundation will most likely get cakey. Luckily, there are some hacks that will minimize those nasty things and make you feel confident. So let’s take a look at some beauty hacks everyone must know.

Hack #1. Face products must be based on the same ingredient

The most common reason why makeup looks cakey is using products that are based on different ingredients. When it comes to concealers, foundations, and makeup primers, the majority of products available at the market can be divided into three groups - water-based, oil-based, and silicone-based. So to prevent your makeup from separating and getting cakey, your primer, foundation, and concealer should be based on the same ingredient.

Hack #2. If you have dry skin, apply your skincare on wet skin

This hack will work best for those of you who use moisturizers with hyaluronic acid. You see, the molecules of hyaluronic acid pull water, and to boost hydration, it’s best to apply such moisturizers on wet skin. However, if you don’t like leaving tap water on your skin, you can use thermal water aerosol. This hack will help those of you who have super dry skin to avoid flaking and cracking, as well as make your makeup look healthy and simply gorgeous.

Hack #3. Use eye cream to moisturize your lips

This is the very hack a lot of celebrity makeup artists use. As a matter of fact, many lip balms (especially those that contain menthol) provide a short-term moisturizing effect and actually make our lips even drier. This is why a lot of people get sort of addicted to lip balms. At the same time, eye cream provides sole hydration and makes our lips look simply stunning. For your convenience, you can apply some eye cream to your lips before going to bed and wear lipstick during the day. Just make sure that eye cream doesn’t get into your mouth.

Hack #4. Use setting spray as your makeup base

Yes, it sounds crazy, but it works, so make sure to try it. In fact, this hack is widely used by celebrity makeup artists, and it really makes your makeup last. So we suggest you try using your setting spray as a base for your makeup, applying your makeup, and then setting it with some more setting spray. This will help you create that flawless red-carpet makeup look that will stun anyone.

Hack #5. Dry shampoo will make your hair more voluminous

Most of you have already heard about this hack before, yet it is so good that it’s okay to talk about it over and over again. Applying some dry shampoo to your hair will add some volume and help you style your hair better. In fact, it is perhaps the best way to create a natural look without using too many styling products. In addition to that, many beauty bloggers and celebrities say that when they apply dry shampoo to clean hair to create more volume, they also notice that their hair remains clean longer. So go ahead and try that hack. Just make sure to get a good dry shampoo that will not clog the pores on your scalp.

Benefits of Using SPF

To sum up, let's take a look at the main benefits of wearing sunscreen every day. So without any further ado, here they come:

  • It prevents premature aging
  • It significantly lowers your chances of getting skin cancer
  • It protects you from sunburns
  • It slightly moisturizes the skin and prevents skin dryness caused by exposure to the sun
  • It is a great solution for people who do not like tan
  • It helps people with the allergy to the sun
  • It eliminates the DNA damage caused by exposure to the sun
  • It helps prevent skin pigmentation

As you can see, there are many benefits of using sunscreen, which is why you should definitely get one and start using it.


Hack #6. Trap your moisturizer with vaseline

This is another beauty hack for those people who have super dry skin. In fact, if you are one of those people, you know that after a few hours of applying a moisturizer, your skin gets super dry again. To avoid that, you might want to try trapping your moisturizer with vaseline. Just apply some vaseline after applying your moisturizer, and your skin will remain hydrated all day. Note that this tip is for dry skin only, meaning if you have combination or oily skin, it may cause more damage than good.

Hack #7. Overline your lips correctly

We’ve all heard about overlining as a means to make our lips look bigger and kissable, yet not many people know how to do it correctly. In fact, some complain that they end up having clown makeup after they overline their lips. Obviously, that happens because they do not do it correctly. So what is the right way to overline your lips? The secret to overlining is the following - you have to follow your natural lip line and overline your lips only above your Cupid's bow and the middle of your bottom lip. That will help you make your lips significantly bigger and avoid ending up looking like a clown. So make sure to give it a try.

Hack #8. Sunscreen makes your skin glow

A lot of people complain that sunscreen makes them look oily and untidy. Yet not only is sunscreen a must in your daily makeup look because it protects you from premature aging and skin cancer, but also a great means to give your skin the natural glow that is so trendy nowadays. So to achieve that, you want to spray some sunscreen mist over your makeup, and that will give you the best natural glow as well as important protection from UV light.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, there are many beauty hacks most people are simply not aware of, yet these hacks can, with no exaggeration, change your life. So if you strive to look flawless every single day, make sure to give at least some of these hacks a try.

Final Word

SPF cream is definitely a super important thing everyone should use every single day at least because it can save you from getting cancer. So do not neglect using sunscreen and implement applying it every few hours into your daily routine.


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