
Professional Beauty Procedures vs Home Beauty Routine


When it comes to a skincare routine, people can be divided into two main categories - those who think that only professional procedures work, as well as those who prefer home beauty routines. But who’s right? In this article, we will take a look at both types and try to give you the answer. So without any further ado, let us begin.

Professional Beauty Procedures

First things first, we would like to point out that there are many professional beauty procedures, but here we are talking about skincare treatments such as face masks and other non-invasive procedures. So are they good? Do they work? Let’s talk about those in more detail.

Certainly, a lot of skin treatments you can have at an esthetician are rather useful for your skin in terms of nourishing and moisturizing it, so there is a point in having those. At the same time, you need to understand that professional procedures alone are surely not enough to slow down the aging process. In fact, most non-invasive treatments do not provide a drastic and, most importantly, lasting effect, so to maintain your skin’s well-being, you have to use daily skincare. Moreover, your daily skincare products have to fit your skin type as well as contain the ingredients that have been scientifically proven to work. Today, we have only two of these ingredients, which are retinoids and vitamin C.

Speaking about retinoids and vitamin C, when you have professional skincare treatments done, it’s best to choose the very treatments that contain these active ingredients. Otherwise, you will just spend a lot of money on treatments that will moisturize your skin for only a few hours.

Professional Procedures Pros and Cons

Certainly, having professional skin treatments has both pros and cons, so let us take a brief look at those.

  • It moisturizes and nourishes skin
  • It is a great addition to your daily skincare routine that will help you slow down aging
  • It often includes face massage, which many people find relaxing
  • It is expensive
  • It doesn't provide stunning results

As you can see, professional treatments have enough pros and cons, so make sure to consider them all before making your final decision.

Benefits of Using SPF

To sum up, let's take a look at the main benefits of wearing sunscreen every day. So without any further ado, here they come:

  • It prevents premature aging
  • It significantly lowers your chances of getting skin cancer
  • It protects you from sunburns
  • It slightly moisturizes the skin and prevents skin dryness caused by exposure to the sun
  • It is a great solution for people who do not like tan
  • It helps people with the allergy to the sun
  • It eliminates the DNA damage caused by exposure to the sun
  • It helps prevent skin pigmentation

As you can see, there are many benefits of using sunscreen, which is why you should definitely get one and start using it.

Is it worth it?

So is having professional treatments worth it? In our opinion, it’s not. The thing is, those procedures are rather expensive, and the results they provide are neither drastic nor lasting. Therefore, we believe that if you are ready to spend your money on professional beauty procedures, it’s better to have invasive cosmetic procedures such as botox, face fillers, laser treatments, or peelings. Those provide better results and are scientifically proven to work.

Home Beauty Procedures

To start with, we would like to specify that by “home beauty procedures,” we do not mean your daily skincare routine. In fact, we mean face masks and exfoliation procedures a lot of people do at home. So do those work? Let’s find out.

As you might have already guessed, judging from our review of professional non-invasive cosmetic procedures, home routines do not work as well as many people hope they do. Of course, these procedures do slightly moisturize your skin, but usually the results are not dramatic and lasting. At the same time, it doesn't mean that you shouldn’t do those procedures. What we want to point out here is that you shouldn't rely on those too much and hope that they provide the same effect as botox, fillers, lasers, or plastic surgery.

At the same time, for many people, doing a home skincare routine is more about finding some time for themselves and relaxing, which is actually a great advantage of home beauty rituals. You see, our mental well-being is also super important when it comes to anti-aging, so if such beauty rituals help you reduce your stress level and relax, make sure to do those on a regular basis.

Home Procedures Pros and Cons

Just like professional treatments, at-home beauty routines have their pros and cons, so let us take a look at those to help you make the right decision.

  • It cheap compared to professional skincare treatments
  • It works as great as professional procedures
  • It is a great way to relax and relieve your stress
  • You can do it anytime and anywhere


  • It doesn’t provide long-lasting results
  • It does not reduce wrinkles or other signs of aging

At-home procedures do have a lot of pros, yet cons must be considered too. Thus, pay attention to both before deciding if this option is for you.

Is it worth it?

Well, are home beauty rituals worth it? Yes, they are. Of course, they do not provide drastic results, but at least they are cheap and can be used as a way to relax and relieve stress. So why not? However, do not expect great results from those, and, again, if you want to truly slow down aging or even reverse it, consider botox, laser, or plastic surgery. Those methods are dramatic and often expensive, but they do work.

The Verdict

So which one to use, home or professional beauty procedures? Well, it’s actually up to you. If you like visiting an esthetician and have the means for it, go ahead and do that. In case you love at-home beauty routines because you find them relaxing, feel free to do them. In fact, if you want to, you can do both. However, do not put much hope in either of these because neither provides dramatic and lasting results. They will help you moisturize your skin a little, but they won’t stop or reverse aging.

Final Word

SPF cream is definitely a super important thing everyone should use every single day at least because it can save you from getting cancer. So do not neglect using sunscreen and implement applying it every few hours into your daily routine.


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