
Does Makeup Really Harm Our Skin?


Many people use makeup every single day and see nothing wrong with it. At the same time, others claim that makeup severely damages the skin, provokes acne, causes irritation, and even premature aging. But is it actually true? Do makeup products really severely damage our skin and lead to premature aging? Let’s try to answer this question together.


When it comes to the harm of makeup, it is mostly caused by its ingredients. In fact, a few centuries ago, people used lead and other toxic substances in makeup products, and at that time, makeup could literally kill you. Of course, nowadays, it’s not the case, and legit makeup brands use only certified ingredients that are totally safe. At the same time, it doesn’t mean that safe ingredients cannot cause any skin issues.

Perhaps the main problem modern makeup causes is pore clogging and sometimes even acne. Luckily, you can easily avoid dealing with those problems if you choose the right products that do not contain pore-clogging ingredients, such as carrageenan, lanolin, palm oil, sodium laureth sulfate, wheat germ, or coconut oil. These are the most common ingredients, but unfortunately, the list of pore-clogging ingredients used in makeup is way longer, so make sure to take a look at the full list here.

All in all, certain ingredients in makeup do damage your skin, yet if you choose products that do not contain those, makeup will not harm your skin.

Expired Makeup

Another reason why makeup can potentially damage your skin is using expired products. Yes, a lot of people use foundations that are a few years old, and they have no issues with that, but it’s still not okay. In addition to that, a lot of people use expired makeup simply because they are not aware of that. You see, most makeup has two best-before dates. The first one is general, and it’s usually a few years. But the date you need to pay attention to is the best-before date after you open a product. In fact, it’s usually not a date but a small symbol of an open jar with text like 6M or 12M on it. This number shows how long you can use a particular product after you open it. For example, 6M means six months, and 1Y means one year.

Apart from that, you have to keep in mind that certain products require particular storage conditions not to expire too soon. For instance, you do not want to store your makeup in hot places or under direct sunlight. In general, if you do not use expired or spoiled products, you will not have any skin damage from them, so pay attention to the best before dates.

Benefits of Using SPF

To sum up, let's take a look at the main benefits of wearing sunscreen every day. So without any further ado, here they come:

  • It prevents premature aging
  • It significantly lowers your chances of getting skin cancer
  • It protects you from sunburns
  • It slightly moisturizes the skin and prevents skin dryness caused by exposure to the sun
  • It is a great solution for people who do not like tan
  • It helps people with the allergy to the sun
  • It eliminates the DNA damage caused by exposure to the sun
  • It helps prevent skin pigmentation

As you can see, there are many benefits of using sunscreen, which is why you should definitely get one and start using it.


Lack of Skincare Routine

Many people who do not use any skincare yet wear makeup almost every day believe that makeup ruins their skin. Well, in this case, it’s pretty obvious that makeup is not to blame. In fact, it is the lack of skincare that ruins these people’s skin. So having a good skincare routine is super important for people of all ages. In addition to that, moisturized skin looks way better under makeup.

Besides, a skincare routine is not only about nourishing your skin. It’s also about properly cleansing it. You see, removing your makeup is super important for your skin health, which is why you have to thoroughly clean your skin every single day. So make sure to establish a good skincare routine that includes cleansing and exfoliation if you still do not have one.

Wrong Usage

Makeup can damage your skin if you use it wrong. As a matter of fact, just like skincare products, primers, concealers, foundations, and powder are produced for different skin types, and you need to use those products that fit your skin type. For example, people with oily skin cannot use foundation for dry skin because it will clog their pores and/or cause acne. At the same time, products for oily skin will not moisturize dry skin, not to mention the fact that your makeup will look awful in this case.

Therefore, not to damage your skin with the wrong products, make sure to select the ones that fit your skin type. The good news is you can always ask a shop assistant for a piece of advice if you do not know what skin type you have and which products will work for you.


Perhaps the worst damage to your skin makeup can do is cause an allergic reaction. In fact, some people have severe allergies to certain ingredients used in makeup products. Fortunately, in modern makeup, not many allergens are used, which makes it safe for most people. However, if you have experienced allergic reactions to cosmetic products before, make sure to do an allergy test 48 hours before you use a particular product. In addition to that, if you know the substances you are allergic to, avoid products that contain those. Besides, people who suffer from allergies should avoid all-natural products because natural substances still cause allergic reactions, and often more severe ones than synthetic ones.

In general, allergic reactions can be easily avoided, especially if you know what you are allergic to. So just be cautious, do allergy tests, and the chances of makeup damaging your skin will be rather low.


So does makeup damage your skin? Yes and no. You see, makeup can damage your skin, and sometimes even severely if you use it wrong. However, if you use high-quality products that aren’t expired and fit your skin type, properly cleanse your skin, have a good skincare routine, and always do allergy tests before using a new product, the chances of makeup ruining your skin are close to zero.

Final Word

SPF cream is definitely a super important thing everyone should use every single day at least because it can save you from getting cancer. So do not neglect using sunscreen and implement applying it every few hours into your daily routine.


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